Business, Valuation

Business Valuation

Business valuation is the process of determining the economic value of a business or a company. Business valuation is important for a variety of purposes, including mergers and acquisitions, financial reporting, taxation, legal disputes, and business planning. When determining the value of the business, the value of all assets of the company is calculated: machinery, real estate, warehouse stocks, financial investments, intangible assets. In addition, the company's performance, its past, current and future earnings, development prospects and competitive market environment are separately evaluated. On the basis of such a complex analysis, the company being evaluated is compared with other similar companies and its real value is calculated.


Why is a Business Valuation necessary?

A business valuation is essential not only for conducting a buy-sell transaction and calculating its collateral value, but also for evaluating management decisions. In the main case, the goal is to increase the value of the company.


Which types of Businesses we evaluate?

  • Enterprise evaluation
  • Investment project evaluation
  • Factory evaluation
  • Evaluation of the application / softwares
  • Evaluation of the medical clinics
  • Gas station evaluation
  • Hotel Evaluation
Business, Valuation