არამატერიალური აქტივების შეფასება

Valuation of Intangible Assets

An intangible asset is a non-monetary asset that manifests itself by its economic properties. It does not have physical substance but grants rights and/or economic benefits to its owner.

Examples of intangible assets include patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill, brand recognition, customer lists, proprietary technology, art related works and etc.

Specific intangible assets are defined and described by characteristics such as their ownership, function, market position and image. These characteristics differentiate intangible assets from one another.

Valuation of intangible assets involves a comprehensive analysis of various factors that contribute to the economic value of the assets. These factors may include the historical financial performance of the company, future earnings potential, market demand, industry trends, competitive landscape, and the legal and regulatory environment.

What kind of property do we value?

Our expertise includes:

  • Goodwill valuation;
  • Trade/trademark valuation;
  • Software valuation;
  • Patent valuation;
  • Franchise valuation;
  • Copyright valuation;
  • License valuation;
  • Valuation of the right to extract minerals;
  • Contract valuation;
  • Valuation of other assets that belong to intangible assets.
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